Hollow Kingdom
2019 • 308 pages


Average rating3.6


Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton

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This is a very oddball zombie book. A strange affliction has turned the human race into the walking dead. The human population - the “MoFo's” as the book denominates us - has been turned into mindless flesh-hungry shambling beasts.

Worse, they aren't feeding their pets.

This novel is set in Seattle and features the life of a crow named S.T. after his owner loses an eyeball and reduces himself to a lifetime of walking into the basement walls.

ST is a very clever crow and realizes that domestic pets are in trouble. The gist of the story involves ST getting acquainted with the natural world, including college crows, released zoo animals, and evolved mindless humans that nature is trying to reset.

The story is probably overlong as ST moves from point A to point B to point C, etc., etc., as he tries to solve his problems. Likewise, the story plays around with some environmentalist tropes about human beings constituting a cancer on the world and the animals are too self-aware. However, the story redeems itself with the humor of ST's running commentary and not a few very funny observations. There is a chapter from a house cat's perspective that is spot on and absolutely hilarious.

This is a lightweight book, but it was not a bad read.

March 29, 2022Report this review