Cover 8

Hollywood Scandal

Hollywood Scandal



Average rating4.5


I loved this book. It was perfect. This is the first book I've read from Louise Bay – now don't all start shouting at me, I know I'm late to the party, I do have other books, I just haven't had the time to dive into them yet. After reading Hollywood Scandal, I am moving them up the TBR list, because, damn, I loved the writing style, the way I reacted to the characters and the story, I need more of this goodness in my life.

Matt Easton is a movie star on location, he's a reformed playboy that just wants to do his job and become the best. That is until he meets Lana Kelly, she comes marching into his life when he least expects it, now he doesn't want to let her go. Problem is, Lana Kelly is a private person, she loves living in a small town and has no desire to be on the cover of magazines, and she definitely doesn't want to be tabloid fodder. Can their summer fling become something more? Can they overcome the differences in their lives and make the relationship work?

When I read the synopsis for this book I was giddy, it sounded amazing. The girl next door and the sexy movie star! Sign me up. I thought it would be a fun book to listen to, and I was right. I loved everything about this book. I loved how Lana didn't know who Matt was and fell for him anyway. I loved that Matt liked that she didn't fall at his feet, she was a challenge for him. It's a sweet romance that captured my heart and attention early on and once I started it, I didn't want to put it down.

I fell completely in love with Matt Easton, he was such a sweet, swoon-worthy character. I was completely taken with him, pretty much from the get go. He was funny and charming. Respectful and supportive. Sure, he might have made some mistakes; I had a facepalm moment and even made a Facebook update of my listening percentage that said ‘Oh, Matt, what have you done?' His heart was in the right place. I also may not be able to see past his awesomeness lol.

I really liked Lana, I did get a little mad at her at times, how could she not see how perfect Matt was? I mean, come on girl! I'll take your place lol. She came around to my way of thinking, in the end, so all was forgiven. I liked her backstory, and her reasoning made sense, even though I wanted to tell her to get over it, I understood her reluctance. Her interactions with the locals were cute and gave insight into her character.

I had an instant dislike of Brian and Sinclair, I wanted to punch them both in the balls. Who the heck did they think they were? I'd have fired them. But, they did redeem themselves in the end so I kind of forgave them.

The older residents of Worthington were great, I loved their little additions to the story and they really brought the small-town vibe to life.

I loved Ruby, she totally needs her own book and HEA. She reminds me so much of a friend, who happened to be reading the book at the same time and I kept sending messages that consisted of ‘This is so you!' I liked that she was the one person that knew Lana and her history, that she could offer support and advice that others couldn't, even though she played a small part in the scheme of things, the effect was huge.

I loved how this relationship played out. It was very sweet. I loved the interactions between the characters and the banter they had. Of course, it wasn't all smooth sailing and I may have suggested Matt marry me instead of Lana at times (I know, I know. Stop judging me!) but the conflict made the ending so much sweeter. The sex scenes were steamy and well placed, none of the sex was for the sake of it, it played a part in the story and made sense...and was written incredibly well.

A couple of scenes really stood out for me with this couple. The first kiss...wowser, what a kiss that was. I don't know how they managed to pull away, it was hot. I think that might have been when I fell in love with Matt. The second was the first sex scene, it is a perfect example of this couple and how they react to each other, the trust and respect they have. I thought it was beautifully done. Another scene, I know I said a couple but I just remembered this one, I loved it, and it's not really a spoiler, but Matt gives an acceptance speech and it was so beautiful, I may have teared up...just a little.

August 24, 2017Report this review