Cover 2


266 pages


Average rating3.7


Page count, page count, really, really short, anyways, as the levels of progression are lesser.......Naturally the narrative is shorter.

Ok, a lot of book readers tend to go for characterization, I also like character development, but I also love a story that is short but has a lot of meat in it, this one again has almost no character development, I mean if you already know what you want, the next should be how to go through with what you want rather than dilly dallying over something or things you cannot change, Huon suffers from too much internalizing, it makes the narrative lag, at least the story was going somewhere, Liona.......another good character again pushed to the sidelines......a lot of the characters seemed to be there just to torture Huon's internal self.....

Story, I like the progression, short, but again what is told is written, there are no going here, going there just to prolong the page count......

Honourbound might be short, but still we learn a lot, with regards to advancement, this one is just the calm before the storm, some tantalizing clues on how to use the essences, a surprising turn in the story(I was really debating on this, if the Author was going to use this method, Huon was really, really weak and annoyingly self projecting too much, you would not have survived in the wilds for 4 years, if you were always contradicting your decisions!!!)......

Still here.......................................????????????????
........Of course, as I have mentioned, progressing, advancing, leveling to the next level is one of the most anticipated result in any game, grinding is one of the way to ascend, also the most time consuming.......this particular book is the grinding part, now to LEVEL UP!!!! Book 4, I hope you really, really bring it out!!!!!

April 11, 2023Report this review