Hopes and Dreams

Hopes and Dreams

2020 • 240 pages


Average rating4


This new novel by PJ Trebelhorn is such a sweet and refreshing love story, a story of forgiveness and learning to put the hurts of growing up behind. Riley Warren had been bullied throughout high school, even to the point of being told she should kill herself. One of those that were part of the bullying group was Victoria Thayer, who secretly had a crush on Riley but was not sure how to deal with the confusing feelings she was having. Fast forward nearly 20 years and their paths cross again, this time with Vic having come to terms with her sexuality and determined to apologize for the pain she had caused. Riley still lived in the same town, working and living paycheck to paycheck. The two search for how to forgive and build a new relationship together.

This was a fantastic story, a slow burn that leaves you wanting this couple to get together so badly that it hurts. The author does a great job of developing the back story and showing how powerful words can be as a teenager and how they can go on to affect you for the rest of your life. Riley is justified in being cautious with her forgiveness after the pain that she had gone through growing up. But Vic slowly chips away at the walls Riley had built up. It is such a beautiful story of forgiveness.

If you are looking for a good slow burn love story, this one will be a sure hit for you.

I received an ARC of this novel in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

July 16, 2020Report this review