House of Echoes

House of Echoes

2015 • 384 pages

I thought about giving it two stars. But then I decided, ‘Whyever would I?'

Can we say trite? If you think of every single trope in a stupid rich people lose jobs and move to a creepy small town to start over, you will have an idea of this book. If you make every single trope stupidly done by annoying characters, you will have this book.

I may be extra harsh here. But this author is a freaking EDITOR. He should know better. And his writing is nothing to write home about. It's serviceable, but I wouldn't say it's that great. There really is nothing outstanding about it.

I mean, I wasn't so bored I quit. But this was more pathetic than Winter People, which I really didn't like at all.

The kid is precocious. The townspeople are all weird and crazy religious nutjobs. The wife is bipolar, which is supposed to excuse her annoyingness (it doesn't, and it makes me angry that she's so annoying and that her mental illness is just a plot device). The dad is, of course, a pretentious writer. There is a red herring of a mountain man who brutally kills animals, but he's a GOOD GUY. There's child sacrifice too. La la la.

And I am SOOO tired of this trope: Family hard up on cash move from the Big City to Podunk Town and dump ALL their remaining money into a complete fixer upper, and they are surprised when they–GASP!–
RUN OUT OF MONEY QUICKLY!!! Especially in the Northeast. I mean, come ON. It is expensive. Why don't people in crap novels like this ever move to–I dunno–the MIDWEST, where you might actually be able to survive? And how about you don't buy a money trap?

No, everything about this book was nonsensical and stupid.

Oh, yeah! There is a needlessly brutal dog death.

He's apparently working on his next book. How about we don't, pal?

Apparently, I harbor angry feelings toward this book.

July 5, 2015Report this review