How To Be Right in a World Gone Wrong

How To Be Right in a World Gone Wrong

2018 • 232 pages


Average rating4


A rational voice in a sea of irrationality, James O'Brien's How To Be Right is a series of object lessons in how to deal with people whose opinions are built on sand. Drawn from his LBC radio show are snippets of conversations with callers who rage at “political correctness” or “Lefties” until James gradually pricks their pomposity with logic and reason.

Alongside such transcripts O'Brien tries to makes sense of a world gone mad. He knows he hasn't got all the answers and he's knows he's Marmite for some people, but he is a calm, clear headed voice of reason.

For anyone struggling to articulate why the proponents of Brexit, Trump, sexism and racism are wrong, read this. It will give you some pointers.

March 24, 2020Report this review