How to Claim an Undead Soul
2017 • 286 pages


Average rating3.8

Tabitha TomalaEarly Adopter

The local haunts have begun to disappear. Of course they are only ghosts, remnants stuck on a loop according to the Society. They could care less if a lamp post stopped flicking on the Haint's tour. But is simple a part of Grier's new life? Hardly. She knows something is going on, and she's not going to let her local haunts go quietly. In between necromancy training with Linus and getting her ass handed–I mean self defense training with Taz, Grier launches her own investigation. Along the way Grier will have to dodge knives thrown by an angry spirit and a police investigator who thinks the bruises on her face (thanks Taz) are caused by an abusive relationship. We will uncover more about the old Grier before Maud's death, but only enough to wet our appetites and leave us begging for more. There is so much mystery surrounding Grier, but it's all the ooey gooey goodness we have to wait for in the center of the series. And yes for all those Boaz fans, you will see plenty of him even though he's taken up a new profession. I highly doubt he's going anywhere for long. Don't mind me gagging with Amelie in the corner while Grier and Boaz act like doe eyed puppies. Grier is doing her best to settle into the new mantle wrapped in chains around her and it will be interesting to see her toe the High Society line as the series progresses. Politics are not her strong point, but she's going to have to be a fast learner, or else be eaten alive by the rest of the Society. As much wonderful drama I am sure it will create, I feel sorry for her. I appreciated learning more about the way magic works with Linus' lessons and the addition of a few more critters to the Necromancy world. I hope Hailey Edwards continues to expand the world view a book at a time and does not get lost in the romancey bits. The hinted at love triangle will be an exhausted plot point if she exercises the option in the next book. Let's see more answers to our expanding questions and Grier putting her new found skills to the test!

January 15, 2019Report this review