Cover 8

How to Say I Do

How to Say I Do



Average rating4.3


I hateee second chance romances. I also generally hate anything with cowboys. When I tell you that I absolutely loved this second chance romance featuring a cowboy.

It's true what they say. You only hate a trope for as long as it takes to see it done well. This was exceptionally well done.

Wyatt reminds me so deeply of Gabriel Oak from Thomas Hardy's Far From The Madding Crowd. He's the kind of man you want to fall in love with. The kind of man you want your friends to fall in love with. And be loved by in return.

The patience, my goodness! The unwavering understanding. The consistency. No manipulation. No coercion. No pressure. Just there. How he let Noel figure his stuff out and was there when he was ready to leap. So many times, I wanted him to lash out a bit

September 30, 2023Report this review