How to Solve Your Own Murder

How to Solve Your Own Murder

2024 • 368 pages


Average rating3.9


3.5 (rounded up)

This murder mystery was a whirlwind of excitement! The storyline was engaging, and I loved how the different subplots wove seamlessly into the main mystery. However, there were moments when the plot and characters seemed a bit too ambitious, leaving me craving more depth and development. I understand there are more books in the works, so perhaps this is just setting the stage for future adventures. Despite this, the book had me on the edge of my seat, and the plot twist completely blindsided me! It was a thrilling ride, though I wished I could have connected more with the main character.

Big shoutout to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts!

Characters - 6
atmosphere - 7
writing - 6
plot - 8
intrigue - 9
logic - 7
enjoyment - 7

March 26, 2024Report this review