A Practical Guide to Becoming a Calmer, Happier Parent
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Really liked this and probably will revisit the summary at the end as needed. I appreciated that this was not about making your kids be different than they already are, but rather in noticing what things set you off, what you can do about it, and then making decisions about what you can do for yourself to diminish the likelihood of freaking out at your kids. Like, I know that being constantly interrupted while I'm having a conversation with another grown-up is really frustrating to me and makes it hard for me to focus, and so what can I do to make that not such a hot button when E inevitably does interrupt me six times while I'm trying to figure out where his music class is? And then doing things ahead of time to try to mitigate the triggers that you know are going to send you into a frustrated rage.
Naumburg seems to have a similar sense of humor and pop culture frame of reference as I do, which you probably need if you're going to read a book with “sh*t” in the title. But also I told my pastor I was reading this, so you know, I'm never gonna be perfect, and that's cool.