Howards End is on the Landing: A Year of Reading from Home

Howards End is on the Landing: A Year of Reading from Home

2009 • 236 pages


Average rating3.4


Really enjoyable read about Susan Hill's quest to read Only from home for One year, I wish sometimes I did the same as it might save me some money. Love the essays on various books and her thoughts on them, and being a book lover I can agree to a lot of what she says, how often we buy books based solely on there jacket/cover or because it was on a list of top books and buy into the hype, when in reality it sits on a shelf lonely and unread for months or years. The one thing most people hate is the name dropping in this book, I must be the exception as I enjoyed it and her stories on meeting classic authors and her thoughts and experiences with them. Fascinating to me - All in all a pleasure to read.

February 6, 2017Report this review