Average rating4
Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow. That was SO good! Now when can I have more?
Seriously, I need to learn that every time I get my hands in a new book from Hearne, I should just clear my calendar and explain to all and sundry that I am unavailable for the following day or so. I am wholly incapable of reading them in anything but one delicious session, rubbing sleepy eyes, skipping meals, and ignoring the phone. When I do come to the last page, I flip on, desperately hoping that there might be a little more left. Afterwards, I have to immediately visit the author's web site, seeking news of the next release.
There are very few winters whose work is so compelling to me. Jim Butcher is the other who comes to mind immediately.
If you haven't read the Iron Druid series, I strongly encourage you to do so. If you've read earlier volumes but not thus one, what are you waiting for?