Cover 5

Hush Money

297 pages


Average rating4.5


Hush Money by by T. E. Woods Published by Random House Publishing Group – Alibi is a fantastic summer read that if you had no work and nothing to do for a few hours you could finish in one sitting. I am rather sad I did not get that luxury. This being my first book by this author I was very impressed, it keeps you engaged and interested and keeps you wanting to see who done it. It is a cozy mystery wrapped nicely in a romantic suspense novel. Sydney Richardson is a heroine who is strong willed, stubborn independently successful yet has enough flaws to make her relatable which I love. The story centers around the murder of the mayor and the girl who they think did it. You might be asking yourself did Sydney do it? No.... the role she plays here is the boss who knows her employee is innocent and she goes out of her way to proof it to the point she might be put in harm's way. Wanda(Windy) is a server at Hush Money one of the two restaurants that Sydney owns Ten-Ten being the other where she honors her late father who was on the force making it feel like a good place for cops to relax and unload. I love the way the book is laid out, it gives a clear picture of the path the author is taking while still making the reader guess and second guess who killed the mayor.
All and all a great read. Thank you Netgalley the author and publisher for my advanced copy this was fantastic!

August 6, 2017Report this review