I Am the Chosen King

I Am the Chosen King

2000 • 592 pages


Average rating4


My first introduction to Helen Hollick was by seeing and craving the gorgeous and mystical cover of The Forever Queen (apparently the first in this series to I Am the Chosen King). However this is the first one that I have gotten my hands on and bit into for reading. The covers are gorgeous and I really do want to spend more time in various parts of history that I am unfamiliar with I just did not love this book.

I found that bits were long and more difficult for me to get into. But I think overall the part that I just could not stomach well that made this book beyond my cup of tea is that I found it vulgar in language. In some ways I understand trying to use such as being authentic to the characters of the time period. It is just not the type of book I find myself drawn to. However as much as I love Sourcebooks other historical authors such as Elizabeth Chadwick, this one is just not for me.

But do not just take my word on it. There are tons of reviews on goodreads with an overall average rating of 5 stars. So please read their opinions and decide for yourself. It may very well be your cup of tea after all.

Thanks to Sourcebooks for providing an ARC for review.

Originally posted: http://creativemadnessmama.com/blog/2011/03/27/i-am-the-chosen-king-by-helen-hollick/