I Am Watching You

I Am Watching You

2017 • 9 pages


Average rating3.9


This just did not work for me at all! I have just a few reasons why:

- A woman who overhears a conversation on a train before someone goes missing feels she is guilty for the whole thing. No.
- Said woman is probably 40+ and doesn't know the meaning of karma? Thinks its “something to do with Buddhism or yoga”? No.
- Said woman gets dodgy postcards for a YEAR but doesn't tell her husband or the police, but does hire a PI who then interferes in a live missing person case. No.
- Something in woman's shop is mysteriously messed with, does she think it's could possibly be aforementioned dodgy postcard sender? No. She thinks it's her son. Just no.
- People in discussions with police who constantly say “What do you mean?! I don't understand!” Well stop interrupting the police and they might get to the explanation.
- Many many other instances of eye rolls/people wouldn't say that/people don't talk like that.
- So many instances of being told that character A told character B something in that current moment, instead of just having the conversation on the page. Bizarre.
- Side character sub-plots meaningless and uninteresting.
- Terrible ending. How can you end a mystery with “and they don't know why they did it”?! Just a massive NO.

So yeah, you might like it but might be worth passing this one by.

March 24, 2021Report this review