I Broke Into His Office


Average rating4


I've really been enjoying this series (mostly). Books one and two were good, book three I didn't really love all that much. That said, I ADORED Harvey in that book so I was super excited to read this one. Not to mention it is an M/M book and I love a good M/M book. Well, let me say this one turned out to be my favorite book of the entire series. If it weren't for two (one small, one HUGE) issues I would have given it a 5-Star rating. The author really kicked up her game with this one.


I found this one to be well written and well paced. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. This whole series has a bit of a KA ROCK CHICK feel to it I love. I didn't find it particularly angsty. Harvey and Nix dance around each other a bit at the start but they soon settle into a “relationship” of sorts. There was a bit of OM drama. Most of the books so far have been fairly tame, but this one was SMOKIN' HOT and we get down to the business pretty quickly. This was a nice change of pace from previous books and I think really added a bit extra to the story. Again we have a great cast of supporting characters. I love the whole women group. I loved when they were all drunk with Nix. They are a funny (if maybe a little annoying at times) bunch. All the couples from the previous books make an appearance, plus a couple of charcaters we meet for the first time. So speaking of secondary characters, I HATED Teagan in this book. She doesn't even get a lot of page space but every time she did she was being a judgy bitch towards Nix. I get it, Harvey is your BFF and you don't want him hurt but lighten the f@ck up already. And you know what is even funnier? She doesn't even say much of anything. She just shot “disapproving” looks at him every time they were in the same room. Gah...such a tiny thing but it drove me up the damn wall! 

Both main characters were extremely likable. I already knew I would love Harvey, and I did. He was dominate. He was sweet. He was smokin' hot. But again as with all the other books in the series I wish this author would write dual POVs. It wasn't as noticeable as with the previous book but I would have liked to have gotten into Harvey's head a bit. I think books that have duel POVs always seem to have a more complete feel to them. But like I said, I didn't feel completely disconnected from Harvey as I did with Joey. Nix was also a really great hero. He was smokin' hot as well. He was sweet. He was tough. He had smokin' on page chemistry with Harvey. Last, it was all wrapped up in an OK ending and here is where I had the MAJOR issue with this book. The ending. I finished the chapter before the epilogue and the couple hadn't said any I LOVE YOU'S. So I thought for sure that would happen in the epilogue which takes place one year later. Nope. Nothing. I was super disappointed. Now to be fair, I can't remember if this was also the case in the previous books (I don't think it was) but If it was I didn't notice it. It left me feeling a bit letdown. I wanted to hear those words and I also think Nix needed to hear those words.  Also, I am not sure if this is the final book in the series or not. If it is, I would have expected something a little more detailed about all the couples to wrap up the series nicely. But maybe the author is writing more books. 

Even with those little issues I found this one to be the best of the series there yours truly will give it two HUGE thumbs up.

December 15, 2017Report this review