I Burned Down His House


Average rating3


Unfortunately this one was my least favorite of the series so far. I have mentioned before I am pretty much over the uber manwhore hero character in romance books and Joey was our resident whore. I hate it even more when the heroine has had a front row seat to his whoring ways and his past is brought up ad nauseum throughout the book. Both of which were the case in this one. On top of that this book needed chapters devoted to Joey's POV. It is incredibly hard to connect with a character if you do not understand what he is thinking. He has lived next to Teagan for six months. Six months in which he has had a constant stream of women coming and going. Six months were Teagan has been helping him out with his dog. When she calls him after the house incident he doesn't even recognize her name, then BAM he is all into her?? Why? When did his feelings change? I never felt a connection between these two because one half of them was a cardboard cutout mystery.

That said, I still enjoyed the writing. The pace was fairly good. The plot was engaging and held my interest. It wasn't angsty in the least. There wasn't any OW drama per se, but we repeatedly hear about his whoring ways. The heroine even gets to see photos of him with OW (yuck). There was also a bit of OM drama. None of the books in this series are particularly spicey, and this one was no different. The real gem with these books are the side characters. Couples from previous books play a fairly significant role in this one and we are introduced to Harvey (whose M/M book is up next) and I am looking forward to that book. Like I mentioned above I wasn't crazy about this couple. I didn't like or connect with Joey and that affected how I felt overall about them. Teagan was a good heroine though. She was funny and sweet and I loved how she claimed Harvey as her BFF. Last, it was all wrapped up in a sweet epilogue that gives us a little peek at what's coming up for Harvey and whoever has caught his eye. So yea, I was a little disappointed in this one, but I am sticking with the series and have my fingers crossed that the next book will WOW me a little more. This one gets a thumbs up from yours truly.

December 3, 2017Report this review