Cover 2

I Found Puppets Living In My Apartment Walls

I Found Puppets Living In My Apartment Walls


Average rating3.8


Rating: 3.79 leaves out of 5-Characters: 3/5 -Cover: 5/5-Story: 3.5/5-Writing: 5/5Genre: Horror, Supernatural, Thriller-Horror: 3/5-Supernatural: 5/5-Thriller: 4/5Type: EbookWorth?: YesHated Disliked Meh It Was Okay Liked Really Liked LovedI think I am becoming a big Ben Farthing fan. This is my second book by him and I like the style of his book. His “I Found” books give me Goosebumps in a way. It isn't REAL SCARY but there are some creepy elements to it. Also just how.. out there the stories are. This story, like the other one, is a quick and easy read all while having your skin crawl. It isn't gorish and yet still gets you feeling a kind of way.

April 21, 2024Report this review