I, the Provocateur

I, the Provocateur

2013 • 122 pages


Average rating3


oh my my, where to start?
Well first, the book is not even close to what I expected, in a positive way. The only positive thing I may have to say about this book. That, and the revolution that I always like in ... some books. (Reminds me of book three of The Hunger Games).

The conversations were at first very nice, but after the 50% became very cheesy. Some were funny, and I laughed... but still.
The book was too fast, maybe conveniently fast, but that's not the point.
Some things were repetitive.

The plot was AWESOME, but the cheesiness just shadowed it and in some parts I didn't know what the hell was going on. The description was very short most of the times. And too long in some.
At first, the way Adrian spoke was badass kind of awesome, but at the end, it was that cheesy kind of children books where the sun will shine, and evil will be conquered and bla bla bla bla.

Oh and yeah, where the hell is chapter 22?

The book was surely full of extraordinary twists that I enjoyed.

All in all, the book was meeeh :/ In my opinion, the After/life is better. But I am guessing IF I read this book first before the After/Life my opinion would be reversed.
Is it the repetitiveness of the topic in both books that make me think so? Possibly. But I think the After/Life is better written.

I liked the poem. I, the provocateur. I, the warrior... But when he gained strength from it at the end of the book, I LAUGHED... I laughed at the ridiculousness of such a situation... even in a book.

I love the scifi points and all. I love Sci-fi. but meeeeeh.
I like the word “Provocateur”, it is french, isn't it? It comes from the word provoke, right? I loved the title, I loved the poem, and I loved the cover.

Some parts were mega boring.

This book is more suitable to be a movie, than a book. It has all the badass parts that make me WANT to watch a movie (and I really don't watch movies usually). Well, that's a good point, I guess.

Well yeah, that's pretty much everything I have to say about the book.

And I still don't know why there's a “/” in the After/life.

August 3, 2013Report this review