I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
DNF @ 9%
Okay, I read one chapter of this one and gave up. I do usually try to read more than this, especially when it comes to ARCs, but this book and I totally weren't clicking.
When it comes to romances, it is really important that I like the main characters or at least see they are redeemable. Now, Lorie isn't a bad character and I'm sure some people will really like her or relate to her– heck, it is possible I might have changed my mind about her, but wow everything she did just rubbed me the wrong way. In one chapter. One chapter and everything she did annoyed me. If that isn't a sign that I shouldn't be reading a book, I don't know what is. Even the first contact we see between the main leads had me disliking Loris– not Saam, who I think is who we were supposed to be seeing as the a-hole there. I totally thought he was in the right. So, yeah I had to stop reading.
The thing is, these are really personal reasons for not liking or continuing this story. It probably also didn't help that I picked it up because the title reminded me of a recent favorite (Let's Get Textual). I wouldn't tell anyone not to read this one, it is definitely worth trying out.