If You Feel Too Much

If You Feel Too Much

2015 • 208 pages


Average rating3.5


You'll need coffee shops and sunsets and road trips. Airplanes and passports and new songs and old songs, but people more than anything else. You will need other people, and you will need to be that person to someone else, a living breathing screaming invitation to believe better things.

I don't know where to begin. I don't know how to write words that are sufficient enough to describe Jamie Tworkowski or TWLOHA or this book. I just think you have to read it to understand. I was trying to find a quote to start this review with, but every single page is quote-worthy. It's just that good.

We're saying the story doesn't end here, that the air in your lungs is there for a reason.

If You Feel Too Much is a collection of Jamie's writings from the past ten years. It documents friends found and lost, people met, stories told, ideas written. It reminds us that we are alive and breathing with a real purpose, that we need other people more than anything else in the world.

This life-it's not a contest, not a race, not a performance, not a thing that you win. It's okay to slow down. You are here for more than grades, more than a job, more than a promotion, more than keeping up, more than getting by. This life is not about status or opinion or appearance. You don't have to fake it.

If you have ever had a bad day, read this book. It's so damn beautiful that I want to cry. I'm going to be giving this to all my friends to read. It really has made me think about everything differently.

We choose to stay, because we are stories still going. Because there is still some time for things to turn around, time to be surprised and time for change. We stay because no one else can play our parts. Life is worth living. We'll see you tomorrow.

((pre-release: I am so excited to read this. Jamie Tworkowski is a great person and TWLOHA is so important to me.))

June 19, 2015Report this review