Cover 6

Ignited #3


Average rating4


So...I finally finished it. But I thought it was, you know, FINISHED. For some odd reason, I thought this series was a trilogy. So when I got to like the last 5% of the book, I was like, “What's going on? It's highly unlikely Desni Dantone's going to leave a permanent cliff-hanger for us to assume that everything turned out fine in the end.” But that's not why I gave this book a 4-star.
I've got mixed feelings about this book. I felt like the first 10% was kind of...unexciting, I guess would be the most accurate term. Maybe that's because most of the events were set on the island where a big number of Kala stayed. Maybe it's because (I'm so sorry to all you other fans) Nathan and Kris just don't excite me anymore. NO, I'M NOT SAYING I DON'T SHIP THEM. It's just that, it's not really a ship anymore. It's just canon. It's meant to be. There's no doubt. So although Ms. Dantone tries to jerk my heart around with all these other people honing in on this couple, I'm just not getting them feels.
A few of the parts also confused me, such as whenever they talked about the demigods and their relationship with everyone. Kris's powers also confused me. It rubbed me the wrong way how, in the beginning, Kris's powers basically sucked. But by the last 10% of the book, she just wrecked everybody and came off as a bad-ass. It also bothered me how they kept going on about how Callie wasn't going to survive for very long in her condition, but she's been "sick" for the entirety of this book, and is going to continue to be so in the next book. And that ending... I'm just unsatisfied with the way Dantone transitioned things, though the plot was, of course, pretty much amazing.
It wasn't difficult to finish this book but it did leave me yearning for more.

March 17, 2016Report this review