3.5 stars. After several well-regarded YA books ([b:Darius the Great Is Not Okay 37506437 Darius the Great Is Not Okay (Darius The Great, #1) Adib Khorram https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1520460519l/37506437.SX50.jpg 58014975]), Adib Khorram turns the heat up to 11 in his first adult romance. In fact, the numerous sex scenes between Farzan and David, as well as the food and wine descriptions, crowd out the actual romance. Yes there is an unusual meet-cute, a friends-with-benefits-catch feelings, and a brief (page-wise) third act breakup. But I wanted more sweet moments, like the MCs watching My Big, Fat Greek Wedding together or Farzan's two besties teasing him about his lovesick facial expressions. YMMV if you want the details of the dickings, or if you can identify a wine's grape, region, and vintage from a few sips. And props to Khorram for setting the story in Kansas City, a delightful place that deserves to known for something other than its (American) football team.