I'm an alien and I want to go home

I'm an alien and I want to go home


Average rating3


This is the most margarine kids book I've read in ages. It was cute and all but not even slightly memorable.

Basic premise: kid feels like he doesn't fit in his family or school, sister tells him he's an alien, a couple of coincidences convince him its true, he tries to return to his home planet with the help of two sidekicks, havoc ensues, he and sis have to save thier parents and they bond, friends prove thier value, kid feels connected to humanity, everyone lives happily ever after. A plot twist or two would have been nice. This is another one of those books in search of an editor.

I recieved this book as a FirstReads giveaway (which makes me feel bad for not liking it more).

October 6, 2015Report this review