Immortality: A Love Story

Immortality: A Love Story

2023 • 389 pages


Average rating3.6


This is the sequel to Anatomy: A Love Story, Dana Schwartz's first novel. And the final novel to the duology.

It was narrated by the same performer as Anatomy. I like when it's consistent like that.

It picks up months after the stunning events of the first book, with Hazel doing surgical work without being an official surgeon. The patient we see her treating very much relates to our health care in present times. I love when authors make history come back around to us. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Dana also gives us an alternate history of Princess Charlotte, the granddaughter of King George III, the very King from Netflix's Bridgerton spinoff.

We also find out more of the supernatural element and how that plays into the story the author weaves. You can tell Dana Schwartz loves history and uses her fiction voice to rewrite it. If you haven't discovered her podcast, Noble Blood yet, give it a listen and you'll dive into history. It makes her novels that much richer.

June 15, 2023Report this review