2018 • 275 pages


Average rating4


So I LOVED book one in this series but wasn't a huge fan of book two. That made this book the make it or break it book of the series. And I liked it. Not quite as much as book one but WAY more than I did book two. The writing was fantastic. The pace was very good. It was humorous mystery aspect feeling underdeveloped. The climax just sort of came out of left field and I felt like the author should have just left the black charger explanation PI following the heroine with the reveal at the restaurant. The whole attempted kidnapping by the baby Daddy didn't have enough buildup or background info laid out to support it. Because of that it just felt like the author threw it in at the last moment for extra drama. Last, this was all wrapped up in a sweet if somewhat confusing epilogue. We get a look at this couple (and everyone else) three years on. The slightly odd part was that we hear about two of the brothers and their wives who haven't gotten books (or heroines) yet. Personally, I just think epilogues like that are better suited for the final book of a series than the middle of one. That's just ME though.

DAMON...I don't have much to say about the guy. He was a good hero. He was sweet. He was sexy. I loved his relationship with Bee. I loved his interactions with his family. I have NO idea if he was a manwhore or not (I felt not) but there is next to nothing said about his sexual past. He was all about Katy right from the start.

KATY...sigh. Katy was pretty much the sole reason I didn't love this one more. I had a bit of a like-hate thing going on with her character. Sometimes she came across really warm and sweet especially in her interactions with Bee. But a lot of the times (especially in her inner thoughts) she just sounded like a cold grade-A bitch. She just had such a nasty attitude towards anyone trying to help her. I don't know. I am having a hard time expressing why I didn't like her. I just never totally warmed up to her.


As with the first two books, the best parts are the secondary characters. I love all the brothers. I love the wives. The mothers. The fathers. The friends. I ADORE Ringo. I love the kids. I just love the whole BIG FAT GREEK FAMILY feel these books have.

Low. This was super slow burn in my opinion. No sex until 70% into the book. That said, the few sex scenes we got were suitably hot. That couple had OK on page sexual chemistry. I'm chalking my OK feelings about it up to me not loving the heroine (lol).

Low. I didn't find this one particularly angsty. The relationship is pretty intsta. There are a few bumps in the road, but nothing HUGE. There was also no OW or OM drama.

I liked it. There were a few things that kept me from rating it higher but all in all, it was an enjoyable way to spend a few hours. Therefore, yours truly is giving this one two thumbs up and I am excited to see which brother is going to get his HEA next < – I vote for Tristian!

February 21, 2018Report this review