2014 • 302 pages


Average rating5


I want to first and foremost thank EB Walters and Mark My Words Book Publicity for my copy of IMPULSE that I got on Netgalley. I absolutely love Lax and Gillian. It is no secret that I love a good romance novel and this series and author have made it to the top of my MUST-READ LIST!
In the book, we meet Alexander “Lex” Fitzgerald, an alpha male, who works as hard as he is partying. He likes to have control everywhere. Inside his family and company, he is the one, that is responsible, always taking care of everything and everyone. Jillian the smart mouthed stunt double, who loves the thrill of a motorbike between her legs and wind in her hair.
The chemistry with these two awesome characters is unstoppable! The slow build and the story line between them is so much fun to read that I finished this book in three days. This is a must have in your reading collection all the way!

October 20, 2016Report this review