Average rating4.1
This was an awesome read.
I have never been a huge fan of nonfiction. However, this book may just get me interested in a sub-genre of nonfiction- true crime. I thought this was so fascinating, especially since it is about a real crime. This was something I found myself needing to remind myself throughout the book. I got lost in Capote's prose that I occasionally forgot that these had been real people who had been actually murdered.
The writing is phenomenal. Capote's writing style is beautiful and easy to understand. I found this book particularly interesting because it reads as if it is a fiction novel, when in fact it is based in truth. Of course, there are some fictional conversations included in the novel to maintain this feeling, but I did not personally think it distracted from the novel in any way.
The story is engaging and heart-wrenching. For me, it felt like there was never a dull moment. The path of each character is thrilling and keeps you on the edge of your seat. I even found myself immersed in Smith and Hickock's POV's, despite the fact that they were murderers. It was fascinating to see their perspective on their events.
I admit, the ending made me cry. I found it extremely poignant and moving. It was brilliantly written and concluded the book in the most perfect way.
I definitely recommend this book to anyone who is remotely interested in reading it.