In the Middle of Somewhere

In the Middle of Somewhere

2019 • 414 pages


Average rating3.7


Joy to finding a ‘New To Me' author, who just one book in, and I already know is going to be a favorite.[b:In the Middle of Somewhere 25687508 In the Middle of Somewhere (Middle of Somewhere, #1) Roan Parrish 45515563] is a hurt/comfort book in the best way. [a:Roan Parrish 14070842 Roan Parrish]'s authorial voice is distinct and sharp and you know you're in the hands of a writer with a clear vision of where the story is going and arc of the characters.Daniel Mulligan is an all thorns hard shell guy from Philadelphia who is finally making his way into adult life by possibly getting a job as a college professor in a small town in Michigan. Of course the hard exterior is armor developed to protect him from a life that hasn't been so kind. He's a gay boy from a family that was not precisely accepting and had to live with the hard knocks of society too. His one anchor is his friend Ginger and his own fierce intellect. While he's in Holiday, Michigan to interview for the job he gets into an accident and ends up meeting a mysterious stranger in the woods: Rex.What ensues is almost an old fashioned story of a burgeoning courtship and love affair within the course of a year. It could've almost been called A Year in the Life.I loved everything about this story. I love it for phrases like this: “He turns me around by the shoulders again, like he's my rudder.” I love how Daniel sticks out like a sore thumb in the small town of Holiday and though he slowly warms up to them and learns to see beyond his preconceived stereotypes and the town comes to accept him, Daniel continues to be a Philly boy through and through. I love that Rex is the opposite of what he projects physically. I love how each man had a fully realized and plausible back story which informed his actions and reactions. Daniel's musical tastes so aligned with my own it was almost spooky. Rex was such a steady and almost perfect guy that at times he seemed made to order which is why the chips in his armor were welcome if heartbreaking. I loved how he was the calm in the storm that allowed Daniel to feel safe enough to let go and be vulnerable. The intimate scenes between the MCs were besides being erotic and hot, also furthered the growth of the relationship and gave us insight to both men. I was touched and moved by these two and was rooting for them like a cheer leader at a game. This whole story was heartfelt, absorbing and romantic as anything. The good thing about coming into a series later is knowing what other books I have to look forward to and a Ginger book is a giant plus. My highlights were too numerous to quote but here are two:“But my point, Daniel,” he says, his face close to mine, “is that all those things are true. We are good for each other. But not too good to be true. Complementary. That's the word, right?” I nod. “The other night, you said that we mean different things when we say I love you. That you don't know what it means to have someone love you. This is what it means. It means doing things together and learning what each other needs. I give you what you need. You give me what I need. And they're not the same. And that's fine. It's not too good to be true. It's just good.”_____“Baby,” Rex says, putting warm hands on my shoulders, “I can build something else. Something just for us.” His eyes never leave mine. “I came here because I didn't have anywhere else to go. Didn't have anyone. And now.... As long as I'm with you, I'll be home.” My eyes flood with tears. Home.”The Audio was by [a:Robert Nieman 1338008 Robert Nieman] which was perfect for when we're in Daniel's head or he's speaking but is otherwise somewhat rushed plus there isn't much distinction between characters voices. Still enjoyable though.

May 31, 2017Report this review