Average rating4.6
What an extraordinary voice. What a tragedy that more people aren't reading this book. Because let's be honest: if I urged you to read it, would you? Probably not. You're not an addict; you don't even know any. It's simply not a factor in our lives. But oh, yes, it is. And this book is so much more besides.
If I was forced to describe this book in one word, I'd go for two: compassion and reason. Reason, because Maté repeatedly demonstrates what works for addiction prevention and treatment, and what shows hope, with years of evidence to back his assertions. (He also shows what doesn't work: the moronic US “war” approach. But you knew that already). Compassion, because every page brims with it. The hard stuff, requiring self-knowledge and inner work, not smarmy feel-good platitudes. And if I could add one more word, it would be “early childhood environment is crucial”. (There's probably a language somewhere in which that is one word. I wish all languages were thus.)
And, can he ever write. It's a long book, and not quick reading, but it's exquisite reading.