Average rating4.1
The Master Outdoes Himself. Jeremy Robinson, the Modern Day Master of Science Fiction, truly outdoes himself here. While the first Infinite was one hell of a trippy, mind bending ride, this one still has elements of that - but also goes back to Robinson's more “bread and butter” approach of balls to the wall action. Almost a love song to long time fans while still being completely new and approachable to even people who have never read any of his books - even Infinite - this book seemingly has more callbacks and cameos from previous Robinsonverse books than any other, including his actual execution of his Avengers Level Event (ALE) in PROJECT LEGION. And without going into any detail - though those who have known me for a decade now will get this reference, but most of those have already read the book in question anyway as well - let's just say that there is ONE BOOK that I ALWAYS reference whenever anyone asks me for the most terrifying book I've ever read, and it happens to be one of Robinson's. AND HE INCLUDES THAT WORLD IN THE MANY CALLBACKS IN THIS BOOK! Honestly, when I first noticed that we were back in that world, my entire body broke out in sweat and I nearly blacked out. That is how terrifying that world is - it literally gave me nightmares for years just thinking about it. And this sadistic author has the balls to go back there, knowing one of his most ardent fans has that level of reaction to that tale. CURSE YOU, JEREMY ROBINSON!!!! ( :D ) Still, absolutely one of the Master's best books to date, and one that even ALE 2 will have a hard time topping... IF it ever actually happens. Very much recommended.