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Infinity’s Gateway

Infinity’s Gateway: A Novel

374 pages


Average rating5


I was a kid in the 70s. The Bermuda Triangle got a lot of airtime back them. There was even a movie made about it. It was this big mystery – what happened to the ships and people and things that went into that area and were never heard from or seen again?

In Infinity's Gateway, James S. Parker does a fabulous job of envisioning what might have happened. The action starts right off the bat, in the WWII era. During a training exercise, several Navy planes go missing. They're there and then, they aren't. No one can explain it.

Fast forward to the present day. An anomaly of some kind is sighted out in the ocean. The Navy sends the Eclipse, a top-of-the-line research vessel, and personnel both military and civilian to investigate. The Eclipse carries Argos, the biggest, baddest, smartest, indeed, most self-aware computer ever created. Surely with Argos online, they can figure out what this thing is.


From there, the mystery and adventure just deepens. I'm not going to tell you what happens. Parker does a bang-up job of that. Let's just say there's a lot of action, some unexpected twists and turns, suspense, intrigue, and some pretty out-of-this world stuff. It is a fascinating imagining of how the Bermuda Triangle might operate.

It didn't take me too long to get engrossed in this book, and I'm eagerly awaiting the next in the series. Parker is working on a screenplay request, and I for one think it will make a great movie or series. I'd even pay full movie ticket prices to go see it (and I don't do that often).

If you like whopping good sci-fi stories with a bit of history to them, well researched and well written, pick up Infinity's Gateway. Five super stars from me.

If you stop by my blog, there's even a giveaway: