Is There Still Sex in the City?
Is There Still Sex in the City?
This is a book about women still stuck in a bygone era. They get familiar with Tinder, the Mona Lisa method and cubbing, but they did not aquire wisdom through time.
The characters only define themselves in terms of a relationship. They have no depth, no real issues as women have in real life. Shopping in Madison World fits all the clichés about the lifestyle. Their lives are a cliché. They are carbon copies of each other.
Then came the part about playing house with Sam and his kid for the camping holiday in her backyard, where Candace became a bit more real, more human. But not real enough to mention the boy's name until they have left. I'm not sure if I was disappointed in the characters or the book itself.
I found it peculiar that the writer made herself a character in the book. I simply can't believe that this is the same writer that wrote Sex and the city. The characters did just not have the depth needed, they all stayed one-dimensional throughout.
A light read for a lazy winter's day.
Who is the target market for this book? I'm not sure if middle aged women will identify with it, where characters in this day and age still define themselves in terms of a relationship with a man, and their whole lives revolve around it. Young women might find the characters a bit pathetic.