It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work

It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work

2018 • 240 pages


Average rating4


update 4/28/21: lol how shocking

dnf @ 30%

i understand the perspective of this book and how it could be helpful to some people who are possibly in positions of privilege/power to actually change or establish their own company culture, but the beginning of this fails to even touch or recognize the intersection of capitalism and poc/minority inequality, ESPECIALLY IN TECH, and i just really don't have the time. glad basecamp has figured their shit out i guess, and if this is somehow a read for you that helps you to see that your shitshow of a job COULD be done differently, that's cool. i didn't finish it so i can't say with certainty this book won't also tell you how to get there, but that's the vibe i got, and i'd rather read something else that's more grounded in reality, or at the very least, acknowledges the intersection of systemic issues.

also the book is written in 1st person pov but the audiobook is narrated by a woman and i found that incredibly jarring and honestly telling of the inherent bias in this lmao

July 1, 2020Report this review