It Takes Two to Tumble
2017 • 304 pages


Average rating3.5


Why is this man a physically absent and emotionally deadbeat dad and why are we expected to love him anyway lmao.

I know it wasn't odd at the time but he wasn't even being kept away? He just preferred going off to sea to play at adventure with his crew.

Benedict literally has to beg him not to abandon his own kids💀💀💀💀sorry but I can't take him seriously. And even then, it wasn't enough until his kid ran off and he had a come to Jesus moment? Sigh.

Really, what were his redeeming characteristics?

And then he found Ben, who was just as eager as his late wife to fill the role of present parent. Bet he was like aha! Another victim!

Lol. Anyway. Loved Ben. Very very iffy on Philip.

" I don't have many talents. But I'm good at telling people what to do and having them obey me. Let me do that, in your service."

I don't know why but I found this very hot. Philip ate that one little statement.

April 7, 2024Report this review