Jacked Up
2017 • 286 pages


Average rating3


I have been really enjoying this series so you can imagine how excited I was to get an ARC for this one. Some dancing around my home did take place. Unfortunately, this ended up falling a bit short of my expectations.

Let us start with what I did like. I love this author's writing style. It's light and flows really well. Her books are very readable and the plots easy to get sucked into. I love the secondary characters and their team interactions and look forward to more books featuring them. I enjoyed the sex scenes as well. And both King and Sam were very likable and great heroes.

So why 3 Stars?? The heroine was beyond annoying. I wanted to throat punch her pretty much through the whole damn book. Her back and forth freakouts and her personal slut shaming were way overdone. The word SLUT (or a derivative of) was used 26 times in this book. 99% of them coming from the heroine about herself after King, Sam and she had literally JUST finished having sex. If I had to hear one more time how she was a “good girl” but OMG she acted like a “slut”, well let us just say my tablet was in danger of flying against the wall.

Ultimately for me, it was the heroine that let this book down and because of that, I can only give this one 3 Stars. That said I will continue reading this series and keep my fingers crossed that the next book works better for me.

January 16, 2017Report this review