Judge of Hell
2019 • 300 pages


Average rating3


I'll admit right off the bat I went into this one with a lot of trepidation, and a good bit of disappointment. I had certain “expectations” on how I wanted Judge's book to play out, so when I found out the author was bringing in a completely new heroine instead of working with Judge's women whom we had already meet in the previous two books I felt a little “meh” about the whole thing. Still, I do really like this author, so I figured I'd give it the old college try. Unfortunately, I think my disappointment colored my feelings. I couldn't connect with the romance in this one. Frankly, the whole situation between the hero, heroine, and his mistresses was a hot f-cking mess of absurdity.

Maybe because the author spent two previous books setting up the whole “mistresses” angle. Maybe because they were all genuinely sweet and had way more chemistry with Judge than the heroine here. Maybe because their presence was way too heavy in this book. Maybe because they became #besties with the heroine by the end (gag). I mean for god's sake they invited them to their fucking wedding!! rolling my eyes

Judge also annoyed me with how angry he was at the heroine in the beginning. I mean..DUDE..seriously??!! You treated her like a piece of trash which resulted in something horrible happening to her. I don't care is SHE doesn't blame you. If you hadn't been such a prick it wouldn't have happened, so THIS reader totally blamed him. (lol) And, honestly, after the dick move you pulled why would she want to tell you about your daughter.

However, the story outside of the “romance” was still top-notch, and I can't WAIT for Emo's book, so that is the only reason I am giving this book three stars...so yea, I loved it, can you tell??!! (lol) #disappointedpartyofone


March 24, 2019Report this review