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Junk Mage

Junk Mage

2016 • 49 pages


Average rating5


This was a great short read, and the length felt perfect for the story. While I would have enjoyed reading a book twice the length of this one just as much, because the writing is deft and appealing, this book has a good plot, interesting characters, and a satisfying resolution all packed in tightly, without feeling unfinished at all.

The main character, Quillian, is someone who always finds himself in trouble and has to use his wits and abilities to get himself out of it. He does a lot of magic. I've read way too many fantasy & sci-fi books, especially short ones, that have a great concept behind them, but the concept is only barely used, treated sort of like set dressing. That is not the case here at all. The title is completely appropriate. Quillian is a technomancer, and nearly everything in the plot springs from his magic and profession. There's some great worldbuilding, too. This book very much has the feel of Firefly or Farscape - a bit comedic, with strange aliens and original ideas, but the emotional moments make a big impact.

Quillian's love interest has faced a great deal of hardship, which made me really want to see him find happiness. The sex is implied / off-page, but it didn't seem like there was anything missing. The book is written in first person, and the writing style is informal and chatty, as though Quillian is telling you his story. It all works really well.

I am so excited to have discovered this book. I'll be reading the author's other published work asap.

As a sidenote, it was great to read a book that was proofread and edited so well!

July 17, 2016Report this review