Just a Bit Gay
2018 • 164 pages


Average rating3.1


This was quite different from the other books in the Straight Guys series. Less angsty, and a sexual dynamic that was more believable that the non-existent romantic dynamic.

This story is about one of the Hardaway brothers, Nick who is openly gay, and his best friend Tyler who—after a lot of whining, incisiveness, and continued denial—justifies his desires for Nick helping him out in the bedroom. That's all I'll say because going into this clueless was part of the treat LMAO.

I should probably have felt some sympathy for Tyler, but I really couldn't. The background contexts about his homophobic parents were so contrived, thrown in there in the spur of the moment to justify the story's length consisting of Tyler's whining and denial 80% of the time. I understand his character, but the dragged out denial of “I have nothing against gay people at all! But surely I can't be one of THEM

May 10, 2023Report this review