Just One Touch
2017 • 352 pages


Average rating2


this book, in the beginning, was one of my favorites in the series with the inclusion of a character escaping from a cult and finding protection with the DSS. but it quickly turned into irritation because of the constant narrative that the female lead wanted to leave to protect the men from death. there is the constant having to address her emotions of inadequacies that it felt like I was reading the same pages over and over again. it was almost as though 20 pages of the book could have been removed and no one would have noticed a difference. there was a sudden change in the character where she was strong and defiant towards the antagonist which did not make sense because the author did not go through the process of showing her growth and went from I am insecure and will stand in a corner and fade away to I am super confident and can fuck over a drug lord. this totally did not make any sense. while I should have given this a1 star there are a few cute and humorous parts that might have saved the story just a little

May 16, 2020Report this review