Justice in Magic
2022 • 374 pages

I had a hard time deciding how to rate this one. On the one hand it's fun and an interesting read. On the other is marketed as an adult urban/paranormal fantasy, which I don't feel it is. This reads more like a YA Fantasy to me, so that threw me for a loop as I wasn't expecting that.

That being said, I enjoy YA Fantasy, so after I changed my thinking on the style of writing, it flowed better for me. This was a solid fantasy read for me and had some Harry Potter nostalgia going on. What I appreciate is that while it may have some HP vibes, it is different enough to be enjoyable and stand on its own.

For those who enjoy YA Fantasy with an academia setting, I would say grab this and give it a read. It's fun and definitely worth picking up.

I sincerely appreciate the author and The Book Scenes Tours for providing a review copy. While a review wasn't expected, I have offered my opinion and these are my own thoughts.

November 3, 2022Report this review