Justice League Odyssey, Vol. 1: The Ghost Sector

Justice League Odyssey, Vol. 1: The Ghost Sector

2019 • 160 pages


Average rating3

Jamie RevellSupporter

A reasonably fun story of a team of lesser superheroes coming together to explore a forbidden area of space and uncover a mystery there. It's fast-moving, and there are some interesting aspects to the setting, with the locals having somehow already built religions around three of the four main characters. On the other hand, there's no particular depth to the characterisations of the leads (nor much opportunity for it) and the big revelation that the main villain is... um, villainous... is a bit of a “well, duh” moment. Slepic's artwork is very nice, and the other two aren't bad, but the story, while entertaining enough, isn't going to break any ground.

November 13, 2019Report this review