Keep It in the Dark

Keep It in the Dark

This was definitely a different direction from Wicked Little Things and that's not a bad thing. This book is coming out at such a pivotal moment in time.

There are so many things in this book that echo real life and it is scary, but it is also beautiful. It showcases hope, love, and acceptance. The most important thing it showcases though? Change.

Is this just another vampire-mortal love story? No not all. This is a story of what it means to fight for the right to exist. This is a story of life as an LGBTQIA2S+ individual. This is not just fiction. This is a reflection of life experiences.

Thank you Justin Arnold for this magnificent piece of work! Thank you Tiny Ghost Press and Justin for allowing me to read an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

Keep It in the Dark by Justin Arnold releases 12/3/24!

November 23, 2024Report this review