King of Code
2017 • 350 pages


Average rating5


Firstly, if you're looking for a fluffy, hearts and flowers romance, this is not the book for you. This is not your typical romance novel, it is something, new and different. The way forward in my opinion. However, if you like twists and intrigue and an intense story, pick this beauty up today!

I think King of Code just became my favourite book this year. This book kept me on my toes, just when I thought I had it figured out CD Reiss changed things up and had me guessing again. She has created a book that is unique, intelligent and sexy as hell. I love that she doesn't talk down to her readers, she knows we're a smart bunch and treats us as such. She doesn't explain every little thing, just enough to give you an ‘a-ha' moment. She dropped so many clues throughout this book that I feel like I need to go back and listen to it all over again so I can pick up on the ones I missed, because she does it so subtly that if you're not looking for them, you'll likely miss them, and I freaking love it! Yes, the story includes code talk, the title kind of gives that away, right? But it isn't overdone, again, just enough to give you an idea of what the characters are experiencing. This book has so many different elements; friendship, small-town life, love, understanding, redemption, it literally has something for everyone.

I loved these characters so much. Each one was so different. Firstly, the man of the hour, Taylor Harden, the entire book is from his POV and it worked brilliantly, I loved being in his mind throughout all the events in the book and knowing what and how he was thinking. He had that commanding presence but was also very sweet and kind-natured. I liked that he struggled with some of the demands Harper had, that he didn't just jump into sleeping with her, considering what had happened up to that point.
Harper was an interesting character, to be honest, I didn't know whether to like her or not. However, the more I got to know her, the more I liked her. The devotion she had from the residents of Barrington was one of the reasons that I had to stop and think ‘she can't be that bad'. She was crazy for sure but vulnerable, more vulnerable than she let people believe. I ended up absolutely adoring her. I liked that we didn't know her reasoning, that we found out when Taylor did, in little dribs and drabs. It made her character even more interesting and made me so much more invested in the story. I HAD to know why!!!!!!
The secondary characters really enriched this story, Keaton who was kind of scary but in a, you don't mess with my friend kind of way, plus he's British and you know I have to support my fellow countryman. Taylor's ‘people' and Harper's sister, Catherine were executed brilliantly and gave more understanding and definition to the main characters.

The town of Barrington played a huge role in this book, it was like a character all of its own. I loved that, I loved seeing how all the residents cared for and protected each other. The way they all worked together, even though they were struggling. It was beautiful and it was easy to fall in love with the town and the residents along with Taylor.

Taylor and Harper's relationship was one of beauty as it progressed and at times, it was funny and crazy and even sad. Of course, this is CD Reiss we're talking about so you know the sex was off the charts steamy, but, as always, it played a part, there was always a reason, it was never just to steam up someone's kindle or audible app.

September 18, 2017Report this review