2024 • 401 pages


Average rating5

Jeff SextonSupporter

And So It Ends As It Began. If you go into this book expecting a long, drawn out farewell ala The Return Of The King... 1) you don't know Jeremy Robinson very well and 2) you're going to be disappointed.

Instead, what we get from this tale is, while still a series finale, yet another typical Chess Team balls to the wall, running and gunning, always on the move either chasing or being chased action thriller with several scifi elements. In other words, everything that has made the series so amazing since its inception - when I initially scoffed when Robinson told me what he was working up, but have found supremely enjoyable since reading the very first words of the very first book, PULSE - is back in spades here. I'm not going to say anything remotely specific about the plot of this tale in this review, as I am among the very first with the honor of reading it. Just know that Robinson and Gilmour do in fact stay true to the spirit of this series and give it the ending it deserves. It has been an amazing what, 14 or so year run with this series? And while I'm sad to see it go, this really, truly was one amazing final chapter in this team's storied adventures. If you're into frenetic balls to the wall action + a few scifi creatures along the way... you're going to want to read this book. If you like more technothriller type action tales... hell, Robinson and Gilmour have you covered there too, in ways somewhat reminiscent of some Matthew Mather, Dale Brown, and Tom Clancy tales, But if you haven't read this series before... there are some pretty significant spoilers for prior books in this one, from throughout the series. So go back and start with PULSE, and be ready for one of the wildest rides of you life. For those who have already read the rest of the series, welcome home. You know what to expect here, and you have my word that Robinson and Gilmour do in fact deliver in some of the best possible ways. Very much recommended.

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December 19, 2023Report this review