Average rating2
Aaaaand we jump from a 5 star to a 1 star. I usually dislike rating books as 1 star because I feel like such an “armchair quarterback” (and I'll admit, when other reviewers litter books with low ratings, i.e. 2 and below, I wonder what they have ever done equivalent to writing a book. Probably not much. I'll be honest where I need to be). That said, if I can acknowledge that I have no talent to write a book, I can also acknowledge a book that just doesn't vibe with me. I felt like the characters were underdeveloped and the storyline was very boring and cliche to the point where I could easily predict what would happen next. Sadly I won't be reading #2. I'm sure West is a lovely person, and she has enough talent to publish a book which I greatly admire, but this one in particular (minus the lovely cover) just did not do it for me.