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Average rating3.5


I was so excited to read this book! I even had an audiobook version to listen to. As I was reading, I got about halfway through the audio version, but could not continue - her voice started grating on me. I flipped over to the book and continued reading there. Initially, I had such high hopes for this book! While I love a good fantasy book, this was more political than fantasy - even though there is a fictitious world woven around it, I just felt extremely let down with the story.

As you work through the book, you will find that it is very wordy - and it's easy to get lost. I walked away from both versions more than once. There was a need to digest what I had read and take some time to figure out what was actually going on. I think I was more disappointed with the overall tone of the book. I was really hoping for an escape from the political garbage that is going around right now, only to be confronted with it continually while reading.

February 26, 2020Report this review