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Kiss To Belong

2022 • 454 pages


Average rating5



If I was already in love with Maddox before his book, what I feel now for this man is something out of this world.

It's not a secret that I am a big fan of good, sunshine and shy guys, and Maddox is everything and more. I was a little scared cause I don't usually like characters that are perfect all the time, I need them to be human, to have some flaw, to make me connect with them. And Anna gets this with her characters. She did it with Max (go to read Greyford wolves) and now she did it with Maddox Anderson, my new book boyfriend and and the reason why my expectations of men have grown even more.

I know that this book is not going to be for everyone, but if you enjoy domestic scenes, friends to lovers, pregnant and a good group of friends, you will like this book.

Alyssa is a character who from the beginning of the series show us as someone partying and extroverted. And when she gets pregnant, everything changes. We see a different Alyssa. It's an Alyssa who overnight loses almost everything, an Alyssa who stands up to her parents, especially her mother, when they try to control her, an Alyssa who decides that her baby and she are more important than money and opinion. Seeing this side of Alyssa, being so strong and wanting to get through all this alone has enchanted me and made me suffer. But obviously she is not alone, she has Maddox, her best friend since childhood, and the rest of the BWU group (the first one there).

On the other hand we have Maddox, shy, nerdy and who doesn't really know how to interact with girls. He has never paid attention to them because he has been in love with Aly for most of his life. Maddox is a good character, who would do anything for the people he wants. And it's clear he's gonna do whatever it takes for Alyssa and the baby.

I loved watching Alyssa realize that she is attracted to her best friend (and jealousy, because yes, we have a jealousy scene) and who this relationship is built progressively, so naturally. And how Maddox showed Aly that he didn't care that he wasn't the baby's biological father, that baby was his.

As for the drama of the book, I'll just say that Anna had me crying and for a moment I thought she was going to make me suffer, but she always give us happy endings.

Special mention, not only to the group of boys, but to Callie and Yasmin who were there for Aly.

Thanks Anna for this ARC, this series and these characters.

March 1, 2022Report this review