Kissing the Boss


Average rating5


OMG was this book all kinds of AWESOME. I have never had the pleasure of reading one of Miz Kage's books prior to this one and I am kicking myself in the A$$ for that oversight. The writing was fantastic. The pace was perfect. The plot was engaging. I ADORED her take on the CINDERELLA theme. It was humorous. It was sweet. It was romantic. The only TINY niggle I had with it is that I really would have liked to have seen a further into the future epilogue for this couple. That said, I suspect we will be seeing more of them in upcoming books so that small issue never affected my rating.

EZRA...First, holy awesome name Batman. I almost want to procreate again just so I can name my baby that (lol). I LOVED Ezra. How can you NOT love a man who dresses like Maleficent (complete with heels) for a company Halloween party? OK, so he lost a bet...but still! (lol). He was honestly just a perfect book boyfriend. He was sweet. He was sexy. Didn't appear to be a player. Was pretty much all in for Kaitlynn right from the start. Apologized when he was wrong. What more can you ask for?

KAITLYN...Kaity was just as perfect as Ezra for me. She was sweet. She was feisty. She had a huge heart. I loved her and Brick's relationship. She was funny. She was all about Ezra right from the start. I rarely like my heroines as much as my heroes, but this author managed to make me feel just that.


There was a fantastic group of secondary characters in this one. Shaw and Isobel (the couple from book one) make an appearance. As do Gabby and Camille friends of Kaitlyn's and perhaps the heroines for book three & four?? Of course, we also have the evil stepmother Lana who was suitably mustache twirling. And Kaitlyn's two stepbrothers Broderick (Brick) and Hayden. Brick plays an especially big part in this book and I LOVED him (even if he was an uber whore). I can't wait to see what this author has in store for all of these characters.

Medium. It takes a quite a long time before Ezra and Kaity get down to doing the deed. Usually, I am not a fan of slow burns but it worked well in this instance. When we do get to the sexy times, they were suitably hot, and the frequency felt right for the story. The couple also had good on page chemistry.

Low. This was pretty much an easy peasy sweet and romantic type of read. There were a few bumps in the road but nothing huge or that caused very much angst. There was no OW drama (I am not counting the evil stepmother as OW drama) and no OM drama. Neither were virgins and their sexual pasts were not really mentioned at all.

I LOVED it. When I have time I want to go back and read book one. Not to mention I will be keeping my eyes peeled for books three and four as well. It was sweet. It was romantic. It wasn't filled with a bunch of OW drama or angst. The writing was fantastic. The characters were charming and loveable. This will definitely appeal to readers who love a good simple romance with a touch of fairytale magic. Therefore yours truly is going to give this one two HUGE thumbs up. 

March 23, 2018Report this review