Lake Silence
2018 • 402 pages


Average rating3.9


That was so nice to get back into this word. And even though I miss Simon and Meg terribly, I enjoyed this book anyway.

Here we meet a lot of new characters. Some of them with a low self-esteem, some troubled, some curious. And that was really fun. Especially near to end.

Of course, we couldn't go without a bunch of new villains. And they were foolish and extremely arrogant, but so much human, I can't even blame them for their stupidity.

However, the main reason for why I like this books so much is terra indigene. Their point of view on humans is too realistic. And that's just the way I like it.

It looks like there is still a lot to tell about these characters. I do hope for a continuation as I need more, much more. Also, it would be very nice if some of the old characters make a reappearance.

March 10, 2018Report this review